Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Alain Pizazz and Alejandro Urilá, the Kontrarium band, offered a charity concert in Malaga featuring creative music with guest artists Azael Ferrer in the multimedia show, Roberto Herruzo at the crystal goblets, Angel Martin with eastern percussion and flute, Rafael García in charge of the lighting and Jorge Vera in charge of sound.

Primitive tools such as the Australian Digeridoo, the Indian mouth harp, the Archidona zumba, Eastern percussion, in addition to Mongolian chants, the harmonium, the chicotén of Castile, the acoustic guitar... all accompanied by the images show, sounded loud and clear so that Yashodhara children may tune to another reality, that of a childhood in which their rights and needs are respected.

Thank you for offering and sharing your talents.
Photo by Juan Ortiz

Monday, November 15, 2010


We have two new family members, sister and brother.

Pooja and Kishor, 8 and 7 years old, were previously living with their grandmother and their HIV+ mother in a Pune slum. They started attending school this past year, but as it was a long walk away from home and mom could not always bring them or pick them up due to her illness, their attendance was very irregular.

The family finances were not good, either. Grandma is the only source of income because mom cannot work. After interviewing the family, it didn’t take long for us to welcome the children in.

Thankful that son and daughter are looked after, cared for and schooled by Asha-Kiran, mom can now rest and get treatment at the local hospital without worrying about them, and grandma will not have such a heavy burden on her.

This is a new beginning for a pair of siblings who will soon find out that their family is much bigger than just four people.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This year, Asha-Kiran launched its Eye Care Program in collaboration with HV Desai Hospital, which will provide its services to our beneficiaries at no cost. The vision screening campaigns, which will lead to specific treatments for every case and need, are being carried out at all of our Projects: Nikam and Khese Schools, the Day Care Centers and Yashodhara.

The screening began in late November and will continue once a week until late December. Approximately 300 children are screened at a time. To date, we have found three cases of severe visual impairment in one school which have already been referred to our partner hospital. The parents of the children expressed their appreciation for the detection of vision handicaps in their children.

We believe it is important for children to have good eyesight for learning, for being self-sufficient and for them to enjoy everyday life.

Through this new initiative, we are covering one more area in the comprehensive care of our beneficiaries.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Twenty renowned artists from Girona, Catalonia, donated some of their works of art for an exhibition in support of Yashodhara Shelter Home. We thank Asha-Kiran Volunteers and Fundación Valvi for organizing and launching this event.

The artists and representatives of Fundación Asha-Kiran were present at its inauguration, which took place on November 6th.

One of the rooms of the gallery houses the artists’ works, and the other presents a wide view of India through the photographs of Uttam Módenes.

This activity promotes collaboration among artists, volunteers and the general public with the aim of bridging communication gaps and fostering links that will contribute to the sustainability and development of our Projects with vulnerable children.

Our thanks
to the Artists, Organizers and Public for their solidarity.