We have started this blog so that it may serve as a link between Fundación Asha-Kiran and all those who are interested in our social endeavors. Through it, we will keep you informed of the evolvement of our projects and of the steps we are taking, so that your possible contribution will be backed by the assurance that it is in fact reaching the addressees that our projects aim to help.
Thus, after our – Hansa’s and mine – trip to Pune in April, our projects have gained new momentum and new perspectives. In order to implement our work in India, we’ve had to found another Trust without profit in mind – ASHA-KIRAN SHELTERS FOUNDATION – which will be a tool to make our projects a reality there. In this manner, Asha-Kiran India will be a receptacle for the funds of Asha-Kiran Spain, so that we no longer have to depend on any other local NGO in order to transfer funds into India – that is, we are completely independent.
On the other hand, we now have our own office in Pune, and have hired Manish – of Indian nationality and with 10 years’ experience in working with street children for a prominent NGO in Pune – as the director. After ascertaining the basic needs of street children in Pune with him, we have decided it would be important to begin our journey by opening a Day Care Center (CFC – Child Friendly Center) with the aim of supporting them on a day-to-day basis, coming into close contact with their needs, and assessing their possible admittance into the Yashodhara Shelter, if deemed advisable.
There are no day centers of this type in Pune, though there are many children in need of such a facility, where they can feel free to come and go and feel supported and protected at the same time. Day shelter, food, healthcare facilities, an education, clothing, protection, affection, and a listening attitude will be given in the Center to those children who need it and who come to it of their own free will. At this time we are in the process of choosing, from among five areas where the children are to be found, the most convenient placement for the CFC, so that it may be easily accessible to them. The drawing up of our project is almost finished, and we will be opening the Center in August of this year. To that end, we will hire two social workers, a teacher, a cleaning person and a part-time doctor in the next few weeks.
As you already know, our mid term project is to create a Shelter for street children in Pune (India). We had seen some land for it, but it didn’t work out. We hope to keep searching for another piece of land this summer. So, at this time, our energy and vitality are geared to get the Day Care Center going, where we intend to offer free services to as many children as possible. We will publish said Project in the web soon. We hope it will interest you and that you’ll want to cooperate with us. Now that we are beginning to embark on our journey, we need much support and sponsors to back up our projects financially.
Feel free to tell your close ones about Fundación Asha-Kiran. As we always say, we wish to serve as a means for your social commitment to bear fruit in the lives of those in need.
Please Visit our website and this blog to know ‘where we’re at’.
Regards from the heart. Until soon,