Dear friend,
As one more initiative in the awareness-raising and fund-raising work that Fundación Asha-Kiran carries out in order to implement its Projects in favor of vulnerable children, and after last year’s sales success of the 2008 Calendar, the 2009 Calendar is now available to the public.
As one more initiative in the awareness-raising and fund-raising work that Fundación Asha-Kiran carries out in order to implement its Projects in favor of vulnerable children, and after last year’s sales success of the 2008 Calendar, the 2009 Calendar is now available to the public.

If you wish to pitch in with this endeavor, you may do so by purchasing the 2009 Calendar for yourself or as a gift to family or friends – by giving a socially caring gift at the end of the year. You can also help us by placing a bigger order and being in charge of selling Calendars as a Volunteer.
You may place your order by calling
(0034) 913 920 688
or by sending an e-mail to
(0034) 913 920 688
or by sending an e-mail to
We will ship your order right away. You may also ask for additional information. Asha-Kiran is in need of ‘hands and minds’ – of your hands and mind.
Lend us a hand! You are invited to become actively involved in Fundación Asha-Kiran’s work.