Again in touch with you to draw you closer to the work in progress in India and its unfolding.
At last, on the 25th of February, we opened the doors of Yashodhara Shelter Home to the first eight children who will be living there permanently. Another fo
ur will arrive in April, and the situation of a brother and sister, who are homeless in the streets of Pune, addicted to substances and without protection from any adults, is currently under study.
As I said in my last letter, we decided to rent the bungalow that houses the Yashodhara Shelter while we secure the necessary financial means to build the definitive Home. Thus, we think that our current capacity – 20 children – will be at its limit pretty soon, so our hope is to continue w
orking in order that the project evolves with quality and we may take in a larger number of children.
Presently, we have two women who tend to the children at all levels – creating a home for them – together with Vaishali and Anirudha, our social workers, who are in charge of coordinating tasks and needs, as well as of overseeing the education and daily activities of the children until they start school in June, when the new school year starts.
The personal history of these ‘small people’ may be very different, but all of them have someth
ing in common: the experience of a state of inequality, neglect and hopelessness to which millions of children are condemned daily in the world and, more concretely, in India; a stark reality that demands reflecting on the values and motivations – whom do we serve? – which move each one of us, understanding and remembering that this is not about ‘helping’ them, but about making it possible for all human beings to live with dignity and, why not, with the same abundance that we already enjoy in this part of the world.
Welcoming these children to the Day Care Centers and to Yashodhara is a reason for immense joy for Fundación Asha-Kiran. With great courage, said children allow or
make it possible to be set on the road to new possibilities and life prospects. It is an intense undertaking, in many aspects, for all of us who work to make it come true, but a child’s smile or the look in his/her eyes is always a reward that cannot be compared with anything else, and which makes us rediscover the motivation that impelled us to do this work to begin with.
We invite you to continue to visit this blog and our website, so you may stay close to the work that we are undertaking with disadvantaged children. It is now that we need your support
and cooperation the most, so that all that has been started won’t come to a halt. We want our labors to resound in you. Don’t hesitate to come to our office in Madrid or to get in touch with us in any way if you need further information, wish to make a suggestion or are interested in working as a volunteer. We are in need of hands and ‘minds’ for very diverse tasks – you will be
very welcome.
Warm regards,

Again in touch with you to draw you closer to the work in progress in India and its unfolding.

Presently, we have two women who tend to the children at all levels – creating a home for them – together with Vaishali and Anirudha, our social workers, who are in charge of coordinating tasks and needs, as well as of overseeing the education and daily activities of the children until they start school in June, when the new school year starts.
The personal history of these ‘small people’ may be very different, but all of them have someth

Welcoming these children to the Day Care Centers and to Yashodhara is a reason for immense joy for Fundación Asha-Kiran. With great courage, said children allow or

We invite you to continue to visit this blog and our website, so you may stay close to the work that we are undertaking with disadvantaged children. It is now that we need your support

Warm regards,