After all the preparations that a cultural and social ceremony such as this entails, we feel deeply grateful and pleased with the outcome and everything we received.
We wish to thank the members of 4 Líricas: León, Bernardina, Juan Manuel and Sergio for the generosity of their voices and their hearts.
Our thanks to Antonio, Ángel and Javier, from Málaga County Council, for their availability and for making it easy.
Thanks to Daniel Muriel for his musical whirlwind and his personal touches.
Thanks to Carmen, Ana, Esther, Mª Ángeles and Esther Gálvez for their cooperation, solidarity, effort and for spreading the word.
Thanks to all of those who participated in, were moved by, and enjoyed the performance; to the children who came and to their parents for coming with them.
Thanks to Kamar, the “fifth rose” (she already knows why).
Thanks to Hansa and José Luis for BEING THERE.
Thanks to those who couldn’t come, but were present in our hearts.
Thanks to those who believed in order to see, and also to those who had to see in order to believe.
Remedios Montoro, Board Member of Fundación Asha-Kiran.