Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This October, Itzà – Espai de Dansa Oriental, Ioga i altres disciplines integradores (Itzá – Space for Oriental Dance, Yoga and other integrating techniques), located in Gerona, Spain, is launching a joint project with Asha-Kiran, which consists in adding one euro to its students' monthly fees. This extra euro will become a valuable donation for our Projects.

Itzà does not only promote the teaching, the practice and the dissemination of oriental dance and other holistic techniques, but also carries out cultural and awareness-raising activities.

It is with this caring and responsible spirit that, at the beginning of this year's course, the center puts in motion the "ITZÁ+1" initiative, providing its students with a way to develop a sense of social commitment.

We hope this initiative will have a warm welcome among the students, and that other organizations and social entities will be spurred on to develop similar ways of cooperation.

Thank you, Itzà, for joining hands with vulnerable children and with Asha-Kiran.