Gemma Martín González – 11th grade
I liked the lecture because it was an eye opener – you see how children in other countries

Patricia Aragó Mateos – 11th grade
When I saw the children in the video, at school and smiling, it caught my attention because they were happy to be going to school, which is something unusual in our society.
Mª Dolores Ciudad – 11th grade
As Uttam, the President of the Foundation would say: “It isn’t charity, it’s justice. We have absolutely everything, but they don’t have either the opportunities or the means for living in decent conditions. We must fix that – it’s up to us”.

We can’t live like we live now, having everything while other people in poor countries don’t have basic things or food. It’s horrible. We have to change, but this change is difficult for our countries because we don’t want to give away our goods, our money…
Pablo Jesús Lozano Carmona – 12th grade
It was really shocking because you know that poverty exists in the world, but if someone who has lived through it tells you about his experience, it makes you think more. We saw pictures of poor children in India, and some of them were hard to see. All this makes you feel like a privileged person who doesn’t take advantage of all he has.
Cristina Artero Abalos – 12th grade
The talk helped me to become more aware of the problems that other countries have, and how much they need the help that we can give them, even if it’s not much. All together we can do a lot and pitch in to improve their quality of life.
Aurora Caracuel Barrientos – 12th grade
Since the day of the talk, I appreciate even more all the things I have at home even though I

Sara Martín Alonso – 12th grade
I like the point of view that the Foundation has – not to make people dependant on them, but give them an alternative way, just expand their possibilities and not force them to think like us. I think people should be more interested in ‘being’ and not so obsessed with ‘having’. People often forget what life means and they just let it go on.