What if the fairytales’ fairy lost her magic wand? ...thus began the activity carried out by Asha-Kiran on December 30 at the City of Dreams in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid. This activity had the aim of educating children in a fun and participative way on the importance of respecting their fundamental rights without distinction of race, gender or background.
Stories, magic and puppets were the main tools that Ana and Jaime used while personifying the Fairy and Panchocolate and with which they invited, engaged and educated the children in an enjoyable manner suited to their age.
Here are some pictures… by the expression on the children’s faces it seems they all enjoyed the show!

Stories, magic and puppets were the main tools that Ana and Jaime used while personifying the Fairy and Panchocolate and with which they invited, engaged and educated the children in an enjoyable manner suited to their age.
Here are some pictures… by the expression on the children’s faces it seems they all enjoyed the show!