At the beginning of the New Year, Yashodhara Shelter welcomed several visitors.

From Girona, Spain, came Coral Ríos – director, teacher and dancer at Itzà Dance School, who is also a sponsor of a girl from Yashodhara and a regular contributor to Asha-Kiran’s work in Spain. From Portugal, a week later, came dancer Carolina Fonseca, member of the group of teachers of the project "Dancing Leprechaun" created by Myriam Zsabo (Yumma Mudra).
Given the children’s passion for dance, we organized a few short movement, self-expression and free dance workshops. Both dancers were equally amazed at the creativity, the explosive energy and the ease in bodily expression of Indian children.
Delighted with our Projects, Coral and Carolina left saying a "see you soon". Carolina began a tour through India tour to deepen her knowledge of folk dances, and has the intention of visiting us again to share her art with the children.
We are thankful for such special and ‘danced-to’ encounters.
Eshana - live-in Volunteer at Yashodhara Shelter