Since 2011, Fundación Asha-Kiran and Club Masala, with the support of the Municipal Council of Salamanca District (Madrid), managed to transmit the spirit of the Indian Holi festival in the streets of Madrid at Felipe II Square.
On Saturday March 24, we celebrated HoliMadrid 2012… and it was a total success!
For the second consecutive year, HoliMadrid 2012, on this occasion named "the great Indian madness" by the media, became a party with a strong cultural awareness component. The two organizers of HoliMadrid 2012 - Asha-Kiran and Club Masala - have close ties with India, its culture, its people and, above all, its difficulties in terms of social development. The HoliMadrid initiative arises precisely from the intent of both organizations to transmit to the people of Madrid the vulnerability of children in the country with the largest child population in the world, immersing the audience in a hundred-percent Indian atmosphere.
On March 24, more than 2500 people packed the Felipe II Square in Salamanca district - they danced to Bollywood music, got to know situation of Street Children, put in their bit to support the cooperation projects that Asha-Kiran carries out with said children, enjoyed a shower of colors, and (the little ones) painted colorful pictures to exchange with Indian children.
See the full Report by clicking here.