Monday, July 2, 2012


We are starting a new period in the implementation of our projects in India. The children from Hadapsar, Yashodhara, and the schools we work with have enjoyed a well-deserved vacation after an intense academic year. We have also assessed the objectives attained and looked for new ways to make the projects as efficient as possible.

Bearing this in mind, and always having as our main goal the true benefit of Yashodhara children, we succeeded in associating with SAMPARC, a local NGO with many years’ experience in managing Shelter Homes. Until June of this year, SAMPARC operated a Shelter Home located a few hours away from Pune. However, their main sponsors were severely affected by the crisis in Europe and SAMPARC suddenly found itself lacking the funds to continue managing its project while having to care for 120 boys and girls aged between 10 and 15, who depend on them to access development opportunities for their future.

On the other hand, the laws applicable to Shelter Homes in the State of Maharashtra changed drastically in the last yearly period and Asha-Kiran had to quickly adapt to these changes in order to go on offering the same care and protection to Yashodhara children. To continue managing the Shelter, we are required to have our own premises and they have to be a certain minimum size; this involves a monetary output that is presently impossible for us to bear.

The missing piece of the puzzle was put in place after the first meetings with the people of SAMPARC - they needed support to finance and manage the Shelter, and we needed new premises to house the children and continue working as before. The result: Yashodhara Shelter now has a new building in a beautiful area in the outskirts of Pune, which is now home to a total of 140 boys and girls from 6 to 16 years of age. With the support of SAMPARC, who in addition to letting us use their facilities, is committed to managing the project jointly with us, we have managed to TAKE A STEP FURTHER AND ENLARGE THE SCOPE OF YASHODHARA EVEN MORE.

The same as every year, our commitment is to move towards the ultimate goal of reaching out to and supporting more and more vulnerable children in India.