We’re back after spending two months in India. Visiting our existing Projects and the children who benefit from them is a unique experience. As I have often said, in Spain we have to work hard in order to respond in an adequate manner to all the issues that make possible the aid-to-development labor that we are carrying out. We sometimes complain because of ‘all that we have to do’, but when we get to India and come in touch with the beneficiaries of our work, our motivation gains new momentum and we come back full of energy for what lies ahead.
Thus, in our last visit we saw that everything is going according to plan and at a good pace. Both Day Care Centers are operating smoothly. A great job is being done in regard to the education process of the children who come on a daily basis. Their attendance is regular and the fruits of our labor become ever more apparent. They are happy to come, and there is a stable school-like atmosphere at the CFCs. At Yashodhara, our rented house is at full capacity since we have already taken in 20 children, 12 girls and 8 boys. They all go to school, and when asked if they are happy, they answer “Yes, because we go to school”. It is a real treat to visit Yashodhara – its atmosphere is light, refreshing and joyful. The children participate in activities other than going to class, and they have a teacher who helps them out with their homework when they come home from school. We are truly satisfied with the work that our staff (teachers, social workers, cooks, etc.) is carrying out at Yashodhara. There are monthly meetings between the children and their relatives, and it’s lovely to see the children tell them about their day-to-day experiences.
New Projects are under study. We remind you that you can see the monthly unfolding of our Projects at our website, in the monthly reports section (http://www.asha-kiran.es/informes.php).On October 17th, Montse, our Projects expert, is travelling to Pune in order to monitor and evaluate our projects. Itzíar, the dentist who will be carrying out the Dental and Oral Care Campaign 2008, will be travelling with her. We will be able to launch this Program, into which a lot of energy has gone, thanks to all those who donated dental supplies and cash. For two months, Itzíar will be assessing and giving treatment to the children we care for and to their communities. This way, we continue with the process of giving global care to vulnerable children. The premises for said Dental Program have been generously lent to us by a local NGO so that we may have enough space, dental equipment and supplies.We will keep you informed of its unfolding. Please visit our website – which will soon be available in English – to get detailed information. Lastly, I’d like to mention that a team from Spanish Television (TVE) came to Pune in July, where they got a lot of footage for a documentary on our Projects. We will be sending a copy of it to all of our sponsors, donors and collaborators in December, together with the 2009 calendar. Two Spanish groups who went on guided trips of India with Uttam also ‘visited’ us in August and September.
Thank you for being there.
A hug, Fundación Asha-Kiran.