Holi, or Festival of Colors, is one of the most important festivals in the Hindu calendar, celebrated every year by millions of people in India. Children and adults take to the streets and town squares and throw colored powder to each other and everyone they run into to express their joy at the arrival of spring. Asha-Kiran, together with Bollywood Dance School Club Masala, organized this event, to which came people of all ages, young people of Indian origin, residents of Salamanca district and other parts of the city, people from other cities in Spain, etc. Besides the music and the Bollywood show, the traditional Colored Powder Rain, rooted in ancient Indian tradition, proved a success due to the enthusiastic participation of the majority of the public present.

The main objective for holding this festival was to spread the Indian culture and to promote multiculturalism, coinciding with the celebration of the International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination. The children were prominent participants and, besides having fun in the Powder Rain, they participated in the activities Asha-Kiran organized especially for them on Education for Development and which dealt with non-discrimination and universal values and rights of children.

The information booth helped disseminate the work of Fundación Asha-Kiran by informing the public about its Social Projects for children. Funds were raised at the handicraft bazaar, which will be wholly destined to our beneficiaries in India.

Club Masala, headed by Salome, was in charge of directing the lively shows and Bollywood dance workshops for the audience, and organizing the Colored Powder Rain. From here, we wish to thank Club Masala wholeheartedly for their generous disposition and support to
Asha-Kiran’s work, as much in Spain as in India, as well as the rest of Volunteers who contributed with their presence at the information stand and the workshops. It is only thanks to them that this Spring Festival has come true.