Thursday, March 3, 2011


On Monday 28 February, we had a solidarity dinner at Vergel Vegetarian Restaurant, which 57 people attended. They, with their generous participation, provide the energy that Asha-Kiran needs to pursue its social work towards a suitable world for children.

This new dinner was organized to meet the many people who were unable to come to the January Solidarity Dinner for lack of room. We are delighted to feel the warmth and closeness of so many people who do not hesitate to participate in the gatherings we organize; this is the energy that we carry over to our Projects in India.

Each of these events not only serves as a way of raising the necessary funding to move forward with our Projects, but as a way to remember and pay homage to the vulnerable children who Asha-Kiran works for.

The documentary video "Painting Yashodhara" was viewed during the meal. The video was recorded by Volunteers who took part in last summer’s creative workshops with children from Yashodhara, the Day Care Centers and Pune Schools, and portrays the vitality we wish to share.

Once again, Club Masala, headed by Salomé, selflessly shared Bollywood dances that allowed us to "taste" India for a while and filled the dining hall with color and brightness.

Thanks and a hug to each and everyone for participating and making us feel your closeness. We look forward to meeting you in upcoming get-togethers.