The data were collected by AsiaNews.it agency: a good ox in India could be worth as much as 30 children. Yes, children are sold in India.
The world celebrates the anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire as a result of the activism of Christian parliamentarian William Wilberforce and other committed people exactly 200 years ago. However, today trafficking continues. In India, 40 or 50% of victims are children, according to Indian NGO Bachpan Bachao Andolan (Save the Children Movement).
"A buffalo can cost Rs 15,000, while the price of a child goes from 500 to 2,000 rupees (10 to 40 Euros)," said Bhuvan Ribhu, who belongs to this organization. Activists denounce widespread police corruption in various parts of India and know cases of children rescued from brothels and forced labor that are recaptured and sold with the connivance of the police. It is commonly admitted that India is the country with most child workers.
Although India is experiencing economic growth and begins to have a middle class, there are still impoverished masses. A construction worker in Bangalore can earn about 30-40 rupees a day (about one euro). The local press has published stories of poor families who sell their second or third child. Poverty, police corruption and lack of education allow networks that traffic with children to have easy access to them.
Source: ForumLibertas.com