Two more little ones join the
Yashodhara family -
Parshuram and
Prem, 7 and 4.
Young Prem can’t keep still and has captured our attention and affection. Prem means love and all of us are in fact in love with him at Yashodhara. Parshuram is very loving and happy. He’s quite an acrobat, doing cartwheels and various pirouettes all day. His dream is to become a pilot. Like all older siblings, he looks after his younger brother with absolute devotion.

During childhood, children get loving care without asking for it, and since it is as necessary as light and air, it is seen as a normal element in the growing process. But any child who is deprived of it at a given time, is certainly impoverished – this is why no child at the Shelter goes without the affection and care of the professionals who are working for their development.

Prem and Parshuram used to live with their grandmother and father. Their mother left without a trace. Their father, an alcoholic, is often missing for several days at a time and doesn’t work. Their grandmother works in the big market buying and then reselling goods in the street, so she leaves home at 4 am and comes back at 2 pm in order to earn about one euro a day. The children were not attending school and were left alone in their shack in deplorable conditions.
As our family grows, so does the joy of sharing, living together and give continuity to our work. We have yet many dreams to make come true.