Wednesday, May 15, 2013


In the year 2000, 150 countries around the world made a commitment to deliver the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Last April 5th 2013 marked 1,000 days left to make these objectives happen.

Save the Children’s report Ending Poverty in Our Generation outlines the steps to take in order to build a new MDG framework that will impel progress towards achieving the development targets. The recommendations include a transparent new framework that addresses inequalities and develops a global mechanism where citizens can hold their governments accountable. Save the Children asks that high burden countries include a focus on reaching the poorest children, incorporate indirect interventions from other actors, and include a strong monitoring framework and regular review processes with inputs from civil society.

The report also highlights the goal we have made the least progress on: “A Global Partnership for Development”. Working together across sectors should be the lynchpin of the Post-2015 framework, which will need to include a leading role for the private sector to develop alliances with local governments in order build on momentum and pursue the targets of the MDGs.

Although it is conceivable that we could end preventable child deaths, eradicate hunger and rid the world of absolute poverty, getting there will require a resolute focus not only on the targets we want to reach, but on how we can make these aims deliver for the poorest.

Whether or not we can reach these goals depends on how we use the next 1,000 days.

Source: savethechildren