Indubai, mother of two children who live at Yashodhara Shelter -Hrthik and Rohan- was a caring and working woman until her joy faded away due to a mental disorder that made her plunge into a deep depression. With only her own mother’s support, and unable to work or care for their children, she saw Yashodhara as a Home that would offer her two sons the attention that she could not provide.
In the last four years, her children have matured and enjoyed their stay at Yashodhara, excelling so much in their studies that they have received several scholarships, all the while staying in touch with their mother and grandmother, and always wishing for Indubai’s recovery.
Thanks to her medical treatment, Indubai has regained her will to live. She understands that the best place for the children is still Yashodhara, but now she can smile broadly at her children when she comes to visit them.