Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is, at present, the most unanimously ratified treaty on Human Rights. India adopted it in 1992 and since then, every five years, the Indian nation must draw up and send reports to the International Committee regarding the enforcement of the rights set forth in the CRC, and about the steps being taken there to guarantee the rights of all children.

Aside from the official report that the Indian government sends the Committee, non-governmental organizations and other social entities that work in the country can – and must – draw up alternative reports so that the Committee may have a more encompassing perspective of the children’s status in India, and may formulate recommendations. This year, Asha-Kiran became a key element in this process. In previous years, the Committee against Child Labor (CACL) – a network of NGOs that work for the wellbeing of children, and of which Asha-Kiran is an executive member – used to be the only one in charge of drawing up the alternative report.

This year, however, a process was launched whereby the children had the chance of drawing up the report themselves – an innovative way of promoting the children’s participation, and giving the report more credibility, since it was written from the findings of the children’s surveys, their discussions, and their own experiences and expectations.

The Children’s Report on the Status of the United Nations Convention on Children’s Rights in the State of Maharashtra, which had Asha-Kiran as one of its main organizers of the process, was published on the 25th of November. In a few weeks, all the states in the country will finish their reports, which will then be compiled into a single document to be sent to the International Committee of the Children’s Rights Convention.

This time, it will be the children themselves who will make their voices be heard.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Thanks to everyone who came to see the Fundación Asha-Kiran Oriental Dances Show.

Thanks to the dancers, for giving us their Art through their performance.

And thanks to them, for being our daily driving force.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


"Let’s stop Aids. Let’s keep the promise."

With this message, World Aids Day was commemorated on December 1st, as Asha-Kiran joined the international effort to keep this promise and to disseminate information about Aids among the population in Pune about the methods of prevention, the advantages of early diagnosis and the ways of detecting it.

As part of the awareness-raising activities, this year, we organized a petition campaign in especially populated locations of the city. The main purpose of the campaign was to inform the children from Yashodhara Shelter Home and from the Day Care Centers the ways of preventing this disease, the ways in which it can be transmitted, and the situation of the millions of people in the world who have it. Thus, we prepared them so they could be the ones, together with the staff from Asha-Kiran, to approach other people and disseminate this information, hand out informative brochures, and gather more than 800 signatures to support the campaign. Aside from information, the almost one thousand people who joined the campaign got a sticker of the Foundation with a red ribbon by which they are committed, in turn, to spread said information and keep the promise of helping stop the spread of Aids.

We also organized an informative session for families and communities with the help and participation of experts from the National Aids Research Institute. Although the general public already has some information on the subject, there are still many myths about this illness that should be cleared up. This time, aside from clarifying misinformation, we discussed symptoms, fears, available treatments, the possibility of having early detection tests and the social integration of people who are HIV+ or have Aids.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


As part of the Health Program implemented by Asha-Kiran, performing general health checkups on the children who will attend new Day Care Centers (DCCs) are a regular procedure. The new DCC at Hadapsar was no exception.

Before actually inaugurating the DCC, we had already done a medical screening in the slum, and detected a high percentage of malnutrition and anemia among its children, aside from serious skin problems caused by their habit of playing and bathing in the highly contaminated canals that crisscross their villages. We also found out that the children had never been vaccinated against common diseases. In view of this, we set to work right away. Before the end of October, all the children had individual health records, which will allow us to do a personalized follow-up of every child. The most troublesome part of the activity was giving the tetanus
vaccine, since slum children are not used to getting vaccines and they were scared of being given a shot.

Fortunately, the children’s parents, the medical team, and the teachers and social workers from Asha-Kiran patiently explained the importance of the vaccine and managed to persuade to be inoculated. Tetanus is a fairly common disease in the slums of Pune because children often play barefoot in areas full of sharp metal objects which can easily cause wounds. By the end of the day, 32 children had been screened and vaccinated. And this is just the beginning…

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Every November 14th, India celebrates Children’s Day. This date was chosen in memory of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India, who showed great devotion for his country’s children. After his death on November 14th of 1965, this date became National Children’s Day. All the schools and social organizations in the country organize various cultural and children’s ceremonies this day to reiterate the care and dedication that the Indian State must provide to its children.

In keeping with this tradition, Asha-Kiran also celebrated Children’s Day at Yashodhara and the DCC’s. For the children, this day means fun and games – no classes, just play. At Yashodhara, we had a drawing contest and a movie session. For both activities, the theme was teamwork and daily perseverance. Our objective throughout the day was to give the children the message never to lose hope, not to underestimate our teammates and work together in order to reach our objectives – an all-important message to strengthen the ties of the children at the Home, and further foster the atmosphere of brotherhood and comradeship that it has.

At the Day Care Centers, the celebration was somewhat different. There were games and sports competitions for the more than 80 children who attend. The children had a fun-filled day that was undoubtedly more than they had expected.

Friday, November 20, 2009


International Children’s Day is celebrated on November 20. On this date, many activities are carried out to promote the wellbeing, fraternity and understanding among children worldwide.

On September of 2000, during the Millennium Summit, world leaders set forth the Millennium Development Objectives, which go from reducing extreme poverty to granting primary education to all children by the year 2015. Although the Millennium Objectives are meant for humanity as a whole, they concern children specifically.

Asha-Kiran hereby pays tribute to children and to the hope of attaining a world that may nurture and protect them.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


This year, Asha-Kiran was invited to take part in the ninth edition of the Volunteer Organizations Fair in the city of Gerona, Catalonia.

The team of Volunteers we have in Gerona worked actively to make our endeavors known to the public, organized a solidarity bracelet workshop for children, and a mandala (colorful face designs) workshop.

Members of Asociación Mifas, an organization that works with the physically disabled, also participated in the workshops, enthusiastically making bracelets with the help of the Volunteers.

The general public was very receptive to the work of Asha-Kiran as well as to that of the other 40 organizations that were present at the fair; the morning was full of good will.

Thanks to our Volunteers for their dedication, and to the attendants for their warmth and good disposition.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This October, Itzà – Espai de Dansa Oriental, Ioga i altres disciplines integradores (Itzá – Space for Oriental Dance, Yoga and other integrating techniques), located in Gerona, Spain, is launching a joint project with Asha-Kiran, which consists in adding one euro to its students' monthly fees. This extra euro will become a valuable donation for our Projects.

Itzà does not only promote the teaching, the practice and the dissemination of oriental dance and other holistic techniques, but also carries out cultural and awareness-raising activities.

It is with this caring and responsible spirit that, at the beginning of this year's course, the center puts in motion the "ITZÁ+1" initiative, providing its students with a way to develop a sense of social commitment.

We hope this initiative will have a warm welcome among the students, and that other organizations and social entities will be spurred on to develop similar ways of cooperation.

Thank you, Itzà, for joining hands with vulnerable children and with Asha-Kiran.

Monday, September 14, 2009


We recently had to face the hard decision of closing up our Day Care Center in Phule Nagar. Since this shanty town was illegally settled and the municipal authorities used to demolish the entire settlement several times a year, our continuity here was a challenge we always faced with determination. After each demolition, the settlers used to rush to the site to pick up the Center's material and helped us rebuild it. However, after three demolitions in just one month and after the families decided to look for a new site to settle on, there was no point in Asha-Kiran staying there, so we quickly looked for and found another area that met the conditions for us to build another Day Care Center.

This other slum, located in the Hadapsar area, has a population of 30 to 40 families. The parents there showed a keen interest in our work even before we began building the DCC, which now, a month after it opened, 25 to 30 children attend, most of them girls. It is a good start, considering we are still in the process to get to know the residents of this community.

We recently held a meeting to which many parents came and in which the objectives and methodology of our work were broadly explained. The attendants also had a chance to state their points of view, and expressed their interest and intention of taking advantage of the chance their children will have of expanding their future prospects.

It was in a different slum of the Hadapsar area where A-K set up, two years ago, its first DCC, which we had to close down due to the upcoming construction of a highway that would cut right through that settlement.

Even though it hasn't been feasible to continue our work in Phule Nagar, where our efforts were very productive and there were many enriching experiences both for Asha-Kiran's team and for our beneficiaries during the year and a half that the Center remained open, we are glad to have found another area where our services are needed and where we will be able to provide them.

We likewise thank Seur for their support with the Day Care Centers Project, of which they finance 60%, and for their trust in Asha-Kiran.


Asha-Kiran Spain and India.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Just as in 2008, Fundación Asha-Kiran has taken part in the BollyMadrid Festival in Lavapiés, a cultural event that gathered, for the second year in a row, thousands of people in the streets of Lavapiés borough for three days (5th, 6th and 7th of june) with the aim of making the indian culture known through Bollywood movies, dance shows and a wide array of indian food. The organizers of the event also invited NGOs that, just as we do, work with disadvantaged social groups in India.

The public's response to the labor we do with vulnerable children in that country has been very positive; this shows, on the one hand, that we are slowly accomplishing our goal of bringing people closer to the reality of marginalized sectors of society, and on the other, awakening the desire to contribute to the improvement of these sectors' living conditions.
Aside from having Paola Dominguín Bosé as a visitor at Asha-Kiran's stand, we also had many Volunteers from several corners of Spain who brought their vitality with them so that our participation in the festival could be a success. This was done through the sale of indian articles, organizing children's workshops and talking to the public so as to build trust in our Foundation and our social endeavors.
To all – individuals, NGOs, businesses and Volunteers – who gave us a hand during this color-, joy- and hope-laden weekend: THANK YOU.

Any contribution – in any amount and of any kind – results in the widening of possibilities for our beneficiaries: vulnerable children, their families and their communities. We hope that these contributions will also result in a feeling of satisfaction in a public that is increasingly aware of the fact that their contribution – however small – is essential to build a better present and a better future for children who need and appreciate having a ray of hope in their lives.

If you're not familiar with us yet, you are invited to come closer to Asha-Kiran. We welcome you in advance to the vitality that shares vitality.

We hope to see you again soon.

Uttam Módenes and Asha-Kiran.

Friday, May 29, 2009


On May 16th, Lliçà Solidari, a socially-oriented association with headquarters in Lliçà d’ Amunt (Barcelona) hosted a solidarity dinner full of exotic flavors, colors and ethnic variety.
Lliçà Solidari has been organizing this get-together for the past few years. The aims behind it are:

• To facilitate coexistence and acknowledgement of people from other countries that live in the municipality of Lliçà D´Munt.
• To present the projects it supports and to raise funds for them. This year, just as last, one of the NGOs whose projects it will back up will be Fundación Asha-Kiran.

Around 30 people prepared food from their country of origin so that the diners could sample an assortment of dishes from Bolivia, Nepal, Belgium, France, Ecuador and Senegal. Counting cooks and diners, around 250 people enjoyed both the dinner and the brotherly and festive atmosphere.

After the dinner, there was a short Indian dance show to round off the get-together.

Lliça Solidari states: “From Lliçà Solidari, we will continue to work together with Asha-Kiran so that they may carry on with their solidarity endeavors in India.”

From Asha-Kiran, we are once again thankful for being able to go on walking hand-in-hand with Lliçà Solidari.

Uttam Módenes.

Monday, May 18, 2009


The second Bollywood and Indian culture festival will take place in Madrid on June 5th, 6th and 7th.
Organizer: Madrid Central District City Hall and Lavapiés Neighbors Association

• Multidisciplinary and integration Indian culture week in the Lavapiés borough.

• It will take place throughout Lavapiés, with a wide array of cultural and visual features.

• The cultural agenda will be distributed in themes among the following town squares:

- Food at Lavapiés Square
- Bollywood films at Agustín Lara Square
- Handicrafts and design at Corrala Square

At Corrala Square there will also be separate spaces for several NGOs that work in India and wish to make their work known to the public, enlist new sponsors or simply carry out activities in relation to the themes in question.

Just as last year, FUNDACIÓN ASHA-KIRAN will have a marquee and a handicrafts stand at Corrala Square, and will also organize various activities and children’s workshops.


Place: Corrala Square, Lavapiés Borough (Madrid). Metro Lavapiés.
Schedule: from 10 am to 8 pm

For further information, please contact us at:
(+34) 913 920 688 fundacion@asha-kiran.org.es


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


On Saturday, May 2nd, the quartet 4 Líricas gave an Opera and Zarzuela Concert for Fundación Asha-Kiran in Málaga, Spain, which around 250 people attended, the benefits of which will go to our Projects with vulnerable children in India.

After all the preparations that a cultural and social ceremony such as this entails, we feel deeply grateful and pleased with the outcome and everything we received.

We wish to thank the members of 4 Líricas: León, Bernardina, Juan Manuel and Sergio for the generosity of their voices and their hearts.

Our thanks to Antonio, Ángel and Javier, from Málaga County Council, for their availability and for making it easy.

Thanks to Daniel Muriel for his musical whirlwind and his personal touches.

Thanks to Carmen, Ana, Esther, Mª Ángeles and Esther Gálvez for their cooperation, solidarity, effort and for spreading the word.

Thanks to all of those who participated in, were moved by, and enjoyed the performance; to the children who came and to their parents for coming with them.

Thanks to Kamar, the “fifth rose” (she already knows why).

Thanks to Hansa and José Luis for BEING THERE.

Thanks to those who couldn’t come, but were present in our hearts.

Thanks to those who believed in order to see, and also to those who had to see in order to believe.

At Fundación Asha-Kiran, we wish to keep on making Art and Creativity available. This way, we hope to contribute to the building of a better world, a better society, a fairer future. Art opens us, it connects us, it invites us to dream.

Remedios Montoro, Board Member of Fundación Asha-Kiran.


On April 20th, Hansa Sousa, Vice-president of Fundación Asha-Kiran, and Ramón Mayo González, President of Fundación Seur, signed a cooperation agreement through which Fundación Seur launches a new Project called Abriendo Caminos.

By this agreement, Fundación Seur will back up the social endeavors of Asha-Kiran’s Project Day Care Centers for Vulnerable Children by providing 60% of the Project’s budget. A-K will be responsible for the remaining 40% of the budget.

This contribution will bring us even closer to the Project’s objectives, whose main aim is to offer care and protection services to vulnerable children in the city of Pune, and to foster their holistic development by providing the following:

• Day care
• Nursery and kindergarten services
• Nutrition and health care
• Education
• Creative and recreational activities
• Personalized psychological support

We are indebted to Seur for the solidarity shown through this agreement of joint work. Asha-Kiran commits itself to use all of the funds obtained on the children who take part in the Day Care Centers Project. We hope this will be a lasting agreement, and that many children will be able to enjoy it.


Uttam Módenes, President of A-K.


On February 20th, Fundación Asha-Kiran and Fundación Vicky Sherpa made a presentation of their respective aid-to-development Projects before a large and participating audience in a Cultural Hall of Lliçà D´Munt (Barcelona), under the auspices of Asociación Lliçà Solidari.

Lliçà Solidari and Lliçà D´Munt City Hall have been standing behind Asha-Kiran’s Projects since the beginning. Last year, a large portion of the Oral and Dental Care Program budget came from them.

At the presentation, we had the chance to explain where the funds we have received will go, and inform the public about the work that we do for vulnerable children. Vicky Sherpa, a tireless Catalan who has labored for disadvantaged people in Nepal for over 20 years, was also there.

MANY THANKS to the town of Lliçà D´Munt for its generous and caring contribution to vulnerable people’s lives, and MANY THANKS to Lliçà Solidari Association for trusting Asha-Kiran. Your contribution is welcome and will be put to good use.

A warm hug from Fundación Asha-Kiran.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Regional House of Valencia supports Asha-Kiran

As part of our fund-raising campaign and the dissemination of our work, Valencia’s Regional House, Barcelona Chapter, worked together with Asha-Kiran by hosting a fantastic poetry and music evening last February 23rd in which arts and heart came together. Everyone, artists and public, made evident their solidarity with, and their respect to, disfavored children in India by enthusiastically encouraging us on to continue with our work, with even more determination if can be.

The evening was a success. We had a full house and there was plenty of poetry, music and a great atmosphere. We rest assured that the children in India will benefit not only from the funds raised, but also from the vitality that all who attended the gathering showed us.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. We hope to have more invitations such as this one.
Fundación Asha-Kiran.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hi, there.

We’re back in Spain once again after spending some time in Pune the past holiday season, and full of satisfaction in view of ‘our’ children’s progress.

Many of the children at the Day Care Centers, and all of the children at Yashodhara Shelter, now have the required academic level to receive traditional schooling in Indian government schools, and are attending classes daily with other children their age. After class, they take advantage of the academic support they get from the teachers at the DCC’s and the Shelter, in order to cope with their schoolwork. All of them were completely at ease in our company, approaching us openly and uninhibitedly, showering us with caresses and smiles, and showing great curiosity and participation in the activities that we had for them.

Since the middle of October/08 to the middle of January/09, there have been several initiatives launched from Spain aimed at having a positive impact on our beneficiaries’ lives.

Itzíar Onatibia, our Volunteer dentist, left for Pune in October to check and treat the children’s and their relatives’ mouths and teeth. Not an easy task, since working conditions there often put her patience to the test. Nevertheless, all obstacles – from dental material that ‘disappeared’ from one day to the next, frequent power outages, obsolete premises and equipment (which we couldn’t bring over from Spain), to patients who didn’t always show up for their appointments – were overcome during the three months that Itzíar worked with true dedication, and during which she earned the friendship and gratitude of the people she treated.

Though the Oral and Dental Care Campaign 2008 was a success and another intervention in this area won’t be necessary in the near future, we plan to go on with dental treatments. In fact, a few of the children will need to have braces put in.

Montse Álvarez, our technical Project Coordinator, was in Pune from October to December to monitor and evaluate our Projects on the spot – an important task that adds credibility and professionalism to our work.

From December 20th on, Ane Mujika, also from Spain, gave pottery and painting workshops to the children, which lasted done week each. The children were delighted to explore new possibilities in arts and crafts, and became quite proficient with the new techniques after a few days.
More recently, Tritoma S.L. from Madrid donated a much needed van to Asha-Kiran Shelters Foundation. With it, we’ll be able to run countless errands for which we formerly depended on public transportation in Pune, so we are very thankful for their generosity.

Finally, Asha-Kiran participated in two flea markets in Spain – one in Arroyo de la Miel, Málaga, and the other one in Plaza de Lavapiés, Madrid. They both lasted a month, and the funds collected from the sales of Indian articles went to our Projects, as always. MANY THANKS to all the Volunteers who backed us up in these endeavors, as well as to those who came to India to assist our children in taking new steps in their development process.

We urge you to take regular tours of our blog and our website in order to be informed of our ‘whereabouts’. We wish you the best in the coming year and are delighted to have your presence and support.

Until soon,
Fundación Asha-Kiran