Friday, December 10, 2010


This year, Asha-Kiran launched its Eye Care Program in collaboration with HV Desai Hospital, which will provide its services to our beneficiaries at no cost. The vision screening campaigns, which will lead to specific treatments for every case and need, are being carried out at all of our Projects: Nikam and Khese Schools, the Day Care Centers and Yashodhara.

The screening began in late November and will continue once a week until late December. Approximately 300 children are screened at a time. To date, we have found three cases of severe visual impairment in one school which have already been referred to our partner hospital. The parents of the children expressed their appreciation for the detection of vision handicaps in their children.

We believe it is important for children to have good eyesight for learning, for being self-sufficient and for them to enjoy everyday life.

Through this new initiative, we are covering one more area in the comprehensive care of our beneficiaries.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


This was the second year that Concern India Foundation organized the Khel Khel Main Athletic Competition for children. The event, which lasted all day, was held on 27 November and it included about 50 NGOs and more than 1,500 children. On this occasion, Asha-Kiran participated with a team of 20 children from its Projects – 8 from Yashodhara and 6 from each of the Day Care Centers. To prepare for the event, all the children rehearsed almost 2 weeks for the parade and anthem of the opening ceremony. The sports section of the competition included a relay race and races of different distances. The games section included not only children but also coordinators and volunteers.

Gold, silver and bronze trophies were awarded to the winners, and all competitors received a participation certificate.
Asha-Kiran’s children won 6 gold, silver and bronze awards and Krishna, a boy from Yashodhara, also won a trophy to the best athlete, since he got three different medals.
At the end of the day, the children were as exhausted as they had previously been eager to participate. They had loads of fun and look forward to participating again next year.