Friday, August 3, 2012


The Community Kitchen concept is very widespread in the slums of Pune. Be it among families or communities with close ties and harmonious coexistence, women choose to cook together, thus reducing costs (in food and fuel) and, not always on purpose, helping to safeguard the environment with less CO2 emissions.

Through our Community Center project in the slums of Hadapsar, we wished to replicate this model of food preparation with two aims in mind: empower the women who belong to Self-help groups in the Community Center, and reduce the cost of supplying meals to the Day Care Centers for Migrant Children.

When we started working with the Day Care Centers in December of 2011, a catering company was supplying the food to us. At the same time, the work of Asha-Kiran in Hadapsar was beginning to bear fruit through the formation of the first women’s groups, which quickly became Self-help groups. Always attempting to integrate the work of the different projects, we realized that this was a good chance to take a first step towards the employability of women from the Hadapsar group via the Community Kitchen.

Asha-Kiran provides the women the necessary foodstuffs for the meals as well as a space specially equipped for cooking them. Every morning, they are in charge of making lunch for the 250 children of the five Day Care Centers we work with. Asha-Kiran’s staff directly supervises the quality of the food and delivery times to ensure that these 250 children receive the best possible service.